Portraits of Pioneers: Robert Attridge (1853 – 1913)

Robert Attridge
6 Nov 1853 — 31 Aug 1913 (aged 59)
The following is an excerpt from a book published by Chapman Brothers, 1884.
Robert Attridge, teacher and farmer, section 20, Flynn Township, was born Nov. 6, 185[3], in Perth Co., Can., and is the son of Michael and Catherine (Dunklin) Attridge. His parents were natives of Ireland. In 1844 they emigrated to America and located in the Province of Ontario. They engaged in farming in Perth County, where the mother is still living. The father died there in October, 1876.
Mr. Attridge obtained a good common-school education, and when he was 19 years of age he began to teach, and pursued that vocation most of the time until he reached the age of 21 years, when he set his face westward. He arrived in California in 1874, where he remained until 1877, chiefly engaged in mining. He returned to Ontario in the fall of the year named, and established himself in the business of hotel-keeper at Milford, Perth County, where he operated two years. He came to Sanilac County in the spring of 1880, and located 80 acres of land where he has since resided. He has placed 40 acres of the tract in good cultivation, and has the repute of being one of the most skillful and successful farmers of the township. He devotes the agricultural season to his farming interests and follows his profession of teaching, in which he ranks among the leaders, during the winters.
He was married Dec. 11, 1878, in Clinton, Huron Co., Mich., to Anna Ramsey, a native of Perth Co., Can., and descended from Canadian parentage. Her mother, Elizabeth A. (Clendenning) Ramsey, died March 31, 1881, in Lapeer Co., Mich. Her father, James Ramsey, is living in Flynn Township, aged 54 years. Mr. Attridge is in sympathy with the Republican party in political sentiment.
Portrait and Biographical Album of Sanilac County; Containing Portraits and Biographical Sketches of Citizens of the County. Chicago, Chapman Brothers, 1884.