Portraits of Pioneers: Morris Rockwell (1830 – 1914)

Morris Rockwell
13 Nov 1830 — 15 Feb 1914 (aged 83)
The following is an excerpt from a book published by Chapman Brothers, 1884.
Morris Rockwell, farmer, section 19, Flynn Township, was born Nov. 13, 1830, in Ridgefield, Fairfield Co., Conn. His parents, Charles and Sarah A. (Brotherton) Rockwell, were also natives of the same section of the “land of steady habits,” Yankees by birth but of a line of descent which originated in the “land of the shamrock.” The father was a farmer in his native State, and in 1849 removed with his family to Oakland Co., Mich., where the parents resided the remaining portion of their lives; the demise of the father occurred June 9, 1851, that of the mother, Oct. 1, 1882. Their family comprised ten children, all of whom are still living, and eight of them are residents of the Peninsular State.
Mr. Rockwell is the eldest son and second child of his parents. He was reared to the vocation of farming and obtained a reasonably fair education in the common school. He was 19 years of age when his parents became residents of Michigan, and he remained under their control until the period of his majority. He then entered upon the contest of life on his own behalf, engaging at first as a common laborer on a farm. He continued to operate in that manner until his marriage, Dec. 10, 1862, in Washtenaw Co., Mich., to Eunice Eaton. She was born in that county and was the daughter of Hosea Eaton. She died in her native county May 29, 1865. Mr. Rockwell was again married Jan. 1, 1868, in Oakland Co., Mich., to Mary E. Beaumont, daughter of Francis and Maria (Rosebone) Beaumont. Her parents were natives of England and New York and of English and German descent. They are still living in Oakland County, and are actively engaged in farming. They are aged 74 and 70 years. Mrs. Rockwell is the eldest daughter of her parents, whose family included nine children. She is the fourth in the order of birth and was born in Highland, Oakland County, Aug. 26, 1845. She was reared and educated in her native county. Five children are now included in the household of Mr. Rockwell, who were born as follows: Charles G., April 7, 1870; Walter L., Sept. 16, 1872; Elsie, June 28, 1874; Elmer A., Jan. 24, 1880; Harry H., June 25, 1883.
After marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Rockwell remained two years on a farm in Oakland County, and in December 1875, they removed to Sanilac County and entered a claim of 142 acres of land on section 19 of Flynn Township. To this, they have added 40 acres by later purchase. The place is now in prosperous condition, with 40 acres under the plow and a fine young orchard. It is supplied with a good house and suitable farm buildings. In social standing the family rank with the community of which they are members, and they are an influential element in the local matters of the township. Mr. Rockwell is a Republican and has been Justice of the Peace eight years.
Portrait and Biographical Album of Sanilac County; Containing Portraits and Biographical Sketches of Citizens of the County. Chicago, Chapman Brothers, 1884.