Portraits of Pioneers: Albert Beals (1842 – 1924)
Albert Beals
13 Nov 1842 — 1924 (aged 81–82)
The following is an excerpt from a book published by Chapman Brothers, 1884.
Albert Beals, farmer, section 25, Flynn Township, was born Nov. 13, 1842, in Ontario, Can. His parents, Samuel and Sarah Beals were natives of New Brunswick of English descent. They were members of the agricultural community all their lives. In May 1859 they came to Michigan and settled in this township in the fall of 1860 with their family. Both parents died in Flynn Township.
Mr. Beals is the eldest son and fifth in order of birth of ten children. He was married Sept. 19, 1867, in this township to Sarah J., daughter of William and Margaret (Pomeroy) Dimond. The former died in 1853 in Pine River, Mich. The latter is now a resident of this township. The daughter was born July 8, 1850, in Ontario and came with her parents to Michigan when she was four years old. They were among the earliest settlers in the township. Nine children have been born of her marriage, as follows: Warren F., June 7, 1869; Samuel H., Nov. 17, 1870; Mercy J., Aug. 30, 1872; Amos R., Sept. 10, 1874; George E., Sept. 14, 1876; William W., Feb. 22, 1878; Gracie, Feb. 2, 1880; Maggie, July 11, 1881; Robert, June 10, 1883.
After marriage, they settled on 80 acres of land which Mr. Beals had purchased some years previously. It was wholly unimproved, and he has placed about three-fourths of the tract in creditable cultivation besides having erected farm buildings of a first-class order. He is a Republican of decided type and has held the offices of Treasurer and Road Commissioner several years. Mrs. Beals is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
Portrait and Biographical Album of Sanilac County; Containing Portraits and Biographical Sketches of Citizens of the County. Chicago, Chapman Brothers, 1884.