Portraits of Pioneers: Daniel Brooks (1850 – ?)

Daniel Brooks
2 June 1850 — ?
The following is an excerpt from a book published by Chapman Brothers, 1884.
Daniel A. Brooks, farmer, section 18, Flynn Township, was born June 2, 1850, in Elgin Co., Ont., and is the son of Daniel and Mary (Chase) Brooks, both of whom are still living. He was an inmate of the paternal household until he was 22 years of age. On leaving home to make his first effort toward independent existence, he engaged as a farm assistant, in which employ he remained until his marriage to Olive L. Bates, May 25, 1872. She was born in Ontario, Aug. 10, 1851, and is the daughter of George A. and Rose (Muncill) Bates. Her parents were natives respectively of New York and Ontario and of New England ancestry on both sides. They now reside in Elgin County and belong to the agricultural class. Their respective ages are 67 and 62 years. The family of Mr. and Mrs. Brooks includes three children—Benj. L., Charlotte E. and Earl William. Ettie, third child in order of birth is deceased.
They remained in Ontario until November 1880 when they removed to Sanilac County and settled on the place on which they have since resided. Mr. Brooks purchased 160 acres of land and has improved 70 acres, built a large barn, 40 x 68 feet in dimensions and supplied the place with other good and suitable farm fixtures. He is a Republican in political sentiment.
Portrait and Biographical Album of Sanilac County; Containing Portraits and Biographical Sketches of Citizens of the County. Chicago, Chapman Brothers, 1884.